Our Journey, like most, started with an idea. In 2013, FVGN Worldwide was created as a simple car club under the previous name of ‘Fahrvergnugen’ out of a passion for cars and photography.

We are now UK based brand specifically operating in Staffordshire and the West Midlands. Aside to that, we are a group of mates with the common interest in cars. It’s what brought us together, kept us together and keeps us going.

Over several years of progressing with our self taught photography, design, and expanding this incredible community, our brand has grown into a lifestyle which is loved worldwide. With FVGN outreaching as far as Europe, USA and Japan.



With a range of background skills in Graphic Design, photography, videography, content creation and friendship FVGN Worldwide has began to take real shape. We aim to produce high quality engaging content along with clothing and accessories of the quality of mainstream brands. Inspired by the world of streetwear matched to the needs of the car community we hope you enjoy our brand and join us for the ride!



Our team is quite small, only really consisting of a few of us. James is our majority content creator however we all contribute where possible in many ways. Here are the main 4 people you might see associated with FVGN Worldwide.

James Cowell

Co Founder

Mitch Johnson

Co Founder

Jack Woodward

Brand Supporter

Aaron Clewley

Brand Supporter