New beginnings // The FVGN Worldwide rebrand
We’ve been admittedly very quiet for far too long. I mean, there was a global pandemic which halted all things car related essentially but we dont see that as an excuse here. The unfortunate truth is that I became disinterested, lost and generally lost the love for cars, photography and Fahrvergnugen. And here goes, in this article you will find out why Fahrvergnugen became FVGN Worldwide and also why the future is looking really awesome for us.
A little bit of history behind Fahrvergnugen.
In 2013 myself and Mitch, Essentially 2 schoolboys at the time with an interest in the car scene, came up with the name Fahrvergnugen for the page we shared our photos under. At the time our main point of focus was in VWs.’ Fahrvergnugen’ was a 90s VW advertisement slogan which translates to ‘driving pleasure’ or essentially enjoyment while driving. The name seemed perfect and we rolled with it! We went to many VW shows and loaded the page with our photos. Fahrvergnugen began to build a following which resulted in the production of stickers and other items. Fahrvergnugen became more of a brand than a photo hosting page and started to turn into something we never thought possible at the time.
The change.
Years upon years I put an obscene amount of effort and time into Fahrvergnugen and loved every minute of it! Ive met so many amazing people through it and also been to some epic events doing what I love. Being a UK orientated brand I had many people over the years wondering what Fahrvergnugen means but also how to say, spell and pronounce our name. So much it became a sort of meme amoungst many. While funny, we were fully known as the car brand nobody can say. As I am from a graphical and analytical background, It got me wondering. How easy was it for new people to find us on social media when they cannot spell our name? Can people tag us in our photos easily? Do people want a sticker of a German word they cannot say or know the meaning of on their car? Questions like this started to bug me and honestly really get me down. Our potential was being held down.
I felt we had outgrown the name Fahrvergnugen. We were now shooting cars of all makes and models with no longer just an interest in VWs. We were trying to market ourselves to and engage Jap cars, US, Euro. Just anything we found cool really with the name Fahrvergnugen and found it very difficult. I felt we needed something universal that worked no matter the subject.
Being so close to my heart it was a touch decision to leave Fahrvergnugen and essentially 8/9 years worth of memories behind. I thought long and hard about possible names but the answer was staring me in the face the entire time… To not change. We had already been producing Fahrvergnugen items as the abbreviation logo ‘FVGN’ and our brand had already achieved a global outreach ‘Worldwide’
FVGN Worldwide, a new logo and its future…
As a Graphic Designer by trade I am always working on various branding solutions for others but naturally struggling on personal work. I must be one damn hard client to please. While in a national lockdown and lots of free time (When not playing Call of Duty Warzone might I add) I set myself the task of producing a logo for FVGN that would work on all car types, bring new people in via a striking social media and just something dead cool really with a modern look. I sent an idea I had an instant connection to over to the lads in the group chat and boom, that was the one, it all fell into place. The bar had been raised, everything felt fresh and most importantly I had the urge back. Heres to 2022 and I cant wait to get the camera out again!
So please welcome, FVGN Worldwide.
If you’re feeling awesome you can support FVGN Worldwide buy purchasing some awesome branded goods via our shop.
And finally, Thankyou for the continued support.